There is little more in life (when it comes to physical things) that a woman will treasure more than her wedding ring. It is a symbol of finding the one man she believes is perfect for her. It symbolizes his love for her, and her alone. It shows the world that you are taken and belong to someone. I often thought about how mine would eventually go to a great grandaughter for her wedding day...
When I lost my wedding ring down the drain last Christmas Day I was beyond devistated. I cried for hours and hours. When it was certain I could never get it back, I cried some more. In the last year the mear mention of my wedding ring being lost would send me into a depression daze.
I've been wearing another ring Mike bought me for my birthday before Jacob was born. It's a beautiful Sapphire ring with three stones and two diamonds on each side. It's goregeous and I love it but it isn't the ring you'd really expect to see on the wedding finger. I decided I was lucky to have it and move on. Mike promised that some day he'd replaced the one I'd lost but we'd have to wait as there are bills to pay.
And bills there have been.
This weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving with his family. His parents live close and his sister and brother in law and our nephew Caleb all came in. It was a great Thanksgiving and since we're all together we celebrated Christmas together on Friday. Lots of fun. More pictures of all of that later.
I thought it would be great to have the kids go to the mall in the nearby town and see Santa. Take a picture with all three grandkids for the grandparents and great grandma since it is so rare they all get together. After the picture I asked Mike if we could go get my ring cleaned at the store we purchased it at. He agreed and while they cleaned my ring we took a look at the wedding sets.
I sighed as the sales person asked what I liked and started to take rings from the cases. Nearly Chrismtas, not the time we could afford something like this. We talked about different settings, stones, cuts, colors, clarity, and so on. I tried on a few and to be honest I was so excited that rings out of the case were fitting my finger I was happy to be playing with them all. One particulary caught my eye and when it slipped on my finger perfectly I started to get dazzled. I could feel that emotion start to rise so I put it back on the counter and started to walk away. That's when Mike asked the guy how much it would be with tax...
My mind started to swoon.
Really? Why is he asking this?
He then told the guy that we would take it.
Really? Did he just say that.
Uh oh...
Then came the tears. I hate crying in public but it could not be helped.
Isn't it GOREGEOUS???? I am so in love. I have to look at my finger every 20 minutes at least. I can't wait to see it in the sun. I am on cloud flippin' 9.
Yeah, he shocked the heck out of me for sure. And I found out all along he was planning to do this today.
I will not be wearing it in the shower. I will not be putting it near ANY drain of ANY sort. This is going to be handed down from generation to generation.
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