Live - Laugh - Love

Friday, April 30, 2010

A Love Letter To My Uterus.

Dear Contractions,

Please stop. Now.


Jessica Looman

At 33 weeks and I'm in preterm labor. I'm taking meds to stop the contractions but now we're also seeing symptoms I'll go pre ecclamptic again. They haven't diagnosed it yet but this exactly what happened before Nate was born. I'm just waiting for the doctor to catch up. If I were going to get preggo again I would not be using my family practitioner. I just don't think she really has the time. I should have gone to an OB. I thought about it but since I didn't last time, I didn't this time. I should have. So, word of advice ladies.

I have not gotten much crocheting done. I have some school work to do tonight and tomorrow and then hopefully Sunday I will catch up. Then, hopefully I can post some pictures. Just been a rough few months to get anything done. School is just kicking my butt. Which it should. After all, it is a Masters program.

Until later.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Family Blog

Mike had a boat show all day today so Nathan and I had some time to just hang out. I'm really trying to make each day alone with him filled with fun quality time before the baby gets here.

We woke up this morning and got some cereal. Then once we woke up enough to get dressed we went to the local bakery which specializes in doughnuts; amazing doughnuts! So Nate and I got there and he picked out his very own sprinkled longjohn. Yum!

We went to Walmart and got a birthday present for a friend. Bubbles for Nathan too, of course. I don't think I got anything for me. Which blows. Oh well.

Then off to the car wash. This is where we finished our doughnuts. Nathan ate 1/2 of mine too!

Home time! Mommy got started on the laundry and Nathan decided to dance in the living room and be entertaining.

Time for lunch! We had bought things to make PIZZA BAGELS! Take a bagel, add pizza sauce, some cheese, and pepperoni and ya got yourself a pizza! Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes and enjoy! Simple, easy, yummy! Oh, and your kid will eat all of it because they made it. He had a ton of fun which you can see by the pictures.

After food we watched cartoons until nap time. That didn't go very well but eventually he did fall asleep.

Mike was home once we woke up from nap and we met him at the boat. The boat is in the water and ready for fun! We went and picked up sandwiches for dinner and then made our way to the boat. We had a ton of fun hanging out just the three of us and then eventually Amber met us at the dock and we were out again! It was the perfect ending to a really fun day!

Now, Mike is out sleeping on the boat...because he loves it. Not because I kicked him out. Although, I must admit it is nice to have the bed to myself and pregnant 8 month belly! LOL. We're cuddling while watching Dog 101 and getting ready for sleep time. I have some school work to catch up on tonight :( I guess you can't play all the time and get away with it! Oh well. Hoepfully tomorrow is more productive but I have to say with these days being so few left with just time alone with my Nathan it was well worth it :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone had a great time with their families and friends. We actually got to sleep in until 7:30 this morning which was pretty awesome. When we woke up Nathan was anxious to go outside and see if the Easter Bunny had made it. Lucky for me, Mike started a wrestling match with him so that I could sneak out and get the basket on the back deck. By the time he was dressed he remembered that the Easter Bunny was supposed to have been here. He ran outside and got his basket.

As he looked in his basket he asked me "mommy, how did the Easter Bunny know that I wanted Play Dough?" I told him that the Easter Bunny was very smart, just like Santa. He smiled and started to play.

We had a great time playing and then it was church time. After that was time to go to Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch. Yum! Ham, potatoes, asparagus, and apple pie. Yum!

Neighbor kids were out playing so we let Nathan go too. He had a fun time with a little girl who was 5. He has decided she is his new best friend, though he can't seem to remember her name :)

Alright, and one last one of my hot hubby showing me some love!

I hope everyone had a fantastic day!

Spring 2010

As promised here are some pictures of new items I'm working on. So far, I only have them for newborns and I don't even have them posted on my Etsy site yet. I'm getting there though. I also have them in cute little hats. :) I'm making 2 hats for my friend with twin little 4 month olds. I've also had some other personal orders which is really cool. Best way to run a business is word of mouth!

Let me know what you think!

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